M-F: 8:30am to 4:30pm

Closed: Sat-Sun

2393 Alumni Drive #202

Lexington, KY 40517

(859) 260-1688


Price Range: From $200 to $2,500,000

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Melinda Harpe

CEO & Broker

I have been managing rental property for over 30 years.  As an investor in rental properties myself, I feel I have a special grasp on what a rental property owner wants out of a property management company.   I have bought, flipped, sold and built homes.  I understand what it is like to be a first time buyer, and investor and a seller, and the frustrations that go with each.  I first got my Real Estate License in 1996, worked as a licensed assistant before making Real Estate sales and Property Management my career in 1989.  I would love to put my experience to work for you.

CONTACT Melinda Harpe

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